School Closures

Any information regarding the closure of the school can be found on the Highland Council Website

If the school is to be closed at any point when it would normally be open then parents will be updated via the School Facebook Page and Seesaw. You may also phone 0800 564 2272 and quote the school pin to get the latest information regarding closures.

If children have set off for school on their own (unaccompanied by an adult) they should proceed to school even if other children or adults have told them that school is closed as we would wish to contact home to make sure there is someone there. No child will be sent home until we have contacted either a parent or one of the emergency contacts.

Should the school need to close during the school day we will follow the procedures outlined above and contact parents to ensure there is someone at home.

Please let the school office know if there has been a change to the emergency contact.